Ducks at Plum Point, at sunrise |
Pastel painter Linda Richichi and I are holding an instructional
workshop this October 19-21, for painters and photographers -- open to
all levels -- that will visit many of the famous Hudson Valley vistas
that artists have been inspired by for more than 100 years.
Beacon waterfront, late afternoon |
Our base
cities will be Beacon/Newburgh, NY. From there we plan to spend time at
Olana, Hudson, my house for Saturday dinner!, Plum Point, Iona Marsh,
Bear Mountain and the Beacon waterfront. All those places you've always
been meaning to visit, but never get around to going to!
On top of Bear Mountain |
You can sign up for the whole weekend -- Friday evening to Sunday afternoon - or just one of the days. We will
paint/photograph -- either or both, learn technique to bring our images
up to the next level, and enjoy ourselves. Contact me for more info --
space is limited!
$395 All-Inclusive Weekend Plan includes:
· instruction for the weekend from two instructors,
· wine and hors d’oeuvres Friday night:
· dinner Saturday night:
· all transportation during workshop.
· brunch on Sunday
· admission to sites
The Day-to-Day Flexible Plan:
. Friday night instruction only: $75
. Saturday, all day - instruction/transportation/admission fees/dinner: $225
. Sunday, from dawn to round-up - instruction/transportation/brunch: $175