Olive trees, Umbria, Italy |
When I was in school, summers were special -- months of free time to hang out with friends, get reacquainted with the sun, swim, and just generally slow down and enjoy life. Once I got a real job, summers passed without much notice -- the only big change in routine was putting the woolens and sweaters away and bringing out the cotton and linen clothes. Without a definite plan, summer just doesn't seem to happen by itself any more. So this summer I'm planning something fun.
Don't you owe yourself a memorable
summer this year? If not now, when? tempis fugit, ya' know.
For me, I'm going back to Italy this summer, teaming up with painter Linda
Richichi for our Intuitive Italy Painting/Photography Workshop,
for a very special week in Italy, June 29 – July 7,
to be held in
a villa near Todi. Our goal for this all inclusive dream
trip is to add
magic and depth to your work and joy to your life. Always wanted to
learn to
paint? To develop your unique artistic voice in your photographs? An
upscale villa awaits your arrival
in Todi for an extraordinary week at a special artist rate. Enhance your
and techniques. Enjoy the sunflower fields. Spend time with 100-year old olive trees. Swim in the infinity pool. Slow down, savor life. Learn new stuff, make new friends and have fun. Visit the beautiful towns of
Orvieto, Assisi, DeRuta, Spoleto and more. Novice to
advanced artists are welcome in either/both
disciplines. For more
information, check out my website, www.maryannglass.com or contact
me at shotglassphoto@aol.com.