While waiting for a friend to get his prescription filled in Fishkill, I wandered across the street to the Dutch Reformed Church cemetery. The church is one of the oldest in the county, dating from the 1770s; the cemetery gravestones are in remarkably good condition, and some of the inscriptions are in Dutch. I found a book that lists all the inscriptions, if you're interested: http://
archive.org/stream/cu31924025961107#page/n5/mode/2up. Anyways, I was totally intrigued by the angel faces on the tombstones.
Isn't she cute? In Dutch. And what's with the 6 triangles on the head? A crown? A tiara? |
Love the curls and the jowls. |
She has a nice hairdo also. |
This one's much grimmer. |
Another Dutch gravestone, with chubby cheeks. |
This way to heaven. |
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